
Hoof Support

Bags Mixers
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Starting at $47.00
30 days supply for 1 horse
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Price: $0.00

All Natural Hoof Support

Crackdown is your horse and your blacksmith's best friend. Forage based and high in sulfur bearing ingredients that are key to circulation and the development of strong keratinous tissue in the hoof, Crackdown is the most comprehensive approach to hoof care you can find.

While other hoof supplements often over focus on biotin alone, Crackdown's ingredients are high in Arginine and Methionine, which encourage healthy blood flow and circulation, helping to expand blood vessels vital for nutrients to enter tiny capillaries inside the hoof. Potent antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy inflammatory response and give your horse's coat a healthy shine.

Say goodbye to cracked or brittle feet, weak hoof walls and quarter cracks, soft feet, feet that won't grow, low quality hoof growth, and hoof sensitivity.

Encourages blood flow and circulation

Strengthens weak hoof walls

Promotes hoof growth and strength

Antioxidants and Omega-3s promote a healthy inflammatory response

Promotes cellular health in hoof tissue

Gives coats, manes and tails a healthy shine

What's Inside
  • Quinoa


  • Brazil Nuts

    Brazil Nuts

  • Kale


  • Sesame Seeds

    Sesame Seeds

  • Spinach


  • Chickpeas


  • Lentils


  • Oats


  • Pumpkin Seeds

    Pumpkin Seeds

  • Almonds


Horse Show Safe

Contains no prohibited substances

Lab Tested

Drug screen by FEI recognized laboratory


Picky eater approved

Key Ingredients

  • Methionine
  • Arginine
  • Biotin
  • Glycine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Lysine
  • Threonine
Product Label


93.74g (2 scoops - 1AM/1PM)

1 scoop AM


1 scoop PM



Small Bag (6.2lbs)

120 DAYS

Large Bag (24.4lbs)


Proprietary blend of quinoa, pumpkin seed, sesame seed, almonds, chickpeas, lentils, oats, kale, spinach, and brazil nuts.


Administer two scoops (93.74g) daily; 1 scoop AM/PM.  To maximize freshness, store in a cool dry place with bag closed when not in use.


  • Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven.
  • If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.


  • For animal use only.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.
  • Should not be used for animals intended for human consumption.

Equine Elixirs’ liability for use of this product shall not exceed this product’s purchase price.  Equine Elixirs shall not be liable for any consequential or incidental damages resulting from use of this product.


Equine Elixirs, Inc.
Palm Beach, FL 33480
[email protected]

Research and Testing

Comprehensive prohibited substance screen performed by LGC Science, Inc., an FEI recognized laboratory, and the laboratory that performed the FEI drug testing for the 2016 Rio Olympics. For more information visit the following sites:

LGC Performs FEI Drug Testing for Rio Olympics

FEI Laboratories


Zenker W, Josseck H, Geyer H. Histological and physical assessment of poor hoof horn quality in Lipizzaner horses and a therapeutic trial with biotin and a placebo. Equine Vet J. 1995 May;27(3):183-91.

Josseck H, Zenker W, Geyer H. Hoof horn abnormalities in Lipizzaner horses and the effect of dietary biotin on macroscopic aspects of hoof horn quality. Equine Vet J. 1995 May;27(3):175-82.

Geyer H, Schulze J. The long-term influence of biotin supplementation on hoof horn quality in horses. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd. 1994;136(4):137-49.

Buffa EA, Van Den Berg SS, Verstraete FJ, Swart NG. Effect of dietary biotin supplement on equine hoof horn growth rate and hardness. Equine Vet J. 1992 Nov;24(6):472-4.

Comben N, Clark RJ, Sutherland DJ. Clinical observations on the response of equine hoof defects to dietary supplementation with biotin. Vet Rec. 1984 Dec 22-20;115(25-26):642-5.


Gee E, Davies M, Firth E, et al. Osteochondrosis and copper: histology of articular cartilage from foals out of copper supplemented and non-supplemented dams. Vet J. Jan;173(1):109-17.


Zhong Z, Wheeler MD, Li X, et al. L-glycine: a novel antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory, and cytoprotective agent. Curr Opin Clin Nutri Metab Care. 2003 Mar;6(2):229-40.


Graham-Thiers PM, Kronfeld, DS. Amino acid supplementation improves muscle mass in aged and young horses. J Anim Sci. 2005 Dec;83(12):2783-8.

Graham PM, Ott EA, Brendemuhl JH, TenBroeck SH. The effect of supplemental lysine and threonine on growth and development of yearling horses. J Anim Sci. 1994 Feb;72(2):380-6.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Artemis P. Simopoulos, MD. Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases. 2002 Dec;21(6):495-505.

De Moffarts B, Portier K, Kirschvink N, Coudert J, et al. Effects of exercise and oral antioxidant supplementation enriched in (n-3) fatty acids on blood oxidant markers and erythrocytes membrane fluidity in horses. Vet J. 2007 July;174(1):113-21.

Hansen RA, Savage CJ, Reidlinger K, et al. Effects of dietary flaxseed oil supplementation on equine plasma fatty acid concentrations and whole blood platelet aggregation. J Vet Intern Med. 2002 Jul-Aug;16(4):457-63.

King SS, Abughazaleh AA, Webel SK, Jones KL. Circulating fatty acid profiles in response to three levels of dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplemetation in horses. J Anim Sci. 2008 May;86(5):1114-23.

Koke K, Reddish JM, Share E, Cole K. Effects of dietary yeast supplementation on serum IgG(T) concentrations in Quarter Horse mares. J Eq Vet Sci. 2013 May;33(5):396.

Manhart DR, Scott BD, Gibbs PG, et al. Markers of inflammation in arthritic horses fed omega-3 fatty acids. Prof AnimSci. 2009;25:155-60.

Neelley KA and Herthel DJ. Essential fatty acid supplementation as a preventative for carbohydrate overload-induced laminitis, in Proceedings. 43rd Annu Conv Am Assoc Equine Pract 1997;43:367-9.

Nogradi M, Couetil LL, Messick J, et al. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation provides an additional benefit to a low-dust diet in the management of horses with chronic lower airway inflammatory disease. J Vet Intern Med. 2015 Jan;29(1):299-306.

Vineyard KR, Warren LK, Kivipelto J. Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid source on plasma and red blood cell membrane composition and immune function in yearling horses. J Anim Sci. 2010 Jan;88(1):248-57.


McKibbin LS, Cheng RSS. Systemic d-phenylalanine and d-leucine for effective treatment of pain in the horse. Can Vet J. Feb 1982;23(2):39-40.


Graham-Thiers PM, Kronfeld, DS. Amino acid supplemention improves muscle mass in aged and young horses. J Anim Sci. 2005 Dec;83(12):2783-8.

Graham PM, Ott EA, Brendemuhl JH, TenBroeck SH. The effect of supplemental lysine and threonine on growth and development of yearling horses. J Anim Sci. 1994 Feb;72(2):380-6.

Why the long face? We have answers to your questions right here.


Can’t find what your looking for? Contact Us

How quickly can I expect to see a difference?

Usually within the first shoeing cycle. Hoof growth is notoriously slow, but Crackdown will start increasing the rate and quality of growth within the first 3-4 weeks.

How do I know if my horse needs a hoof supplement?

If your horse has dry or brittle feet, soft feet, feet that don’t grow well, hoof sensitivity, or quarter cracks, then they would benefit from Crackdown.

Is Crackdown safe for metabolic horses?

Yes! The NSC content of Crackdown is under 8%. One of the reasons why veterinarians and farriers recommend Crackdown for metabolic horses is because of its low sugar and startch content.  Metabolic horses and ponies have all done extremely well with the Crackdown.


Why does Crackdown have less biotin than other hoof supplements?

Because the amount of biotin your horse needs pales in comparison to the need for sulfur rich amino acids like Methionine, which are central to keratin production. Biotin is produced in the horse’s gut and most horses produce enough biotin to satisfy what they need for healthy hooves.

What are the ingredients in Crackdown?

Crackdown contains a proprietary blend of quinoa, pumpkin seed, sesame seed, almonds, chickpeas, lentils, oats, kale, spinach, and brazil nuts.

Is it possible to buy Crackdown in bulk?

Yes. Contact us at 561-818-4222 or [email protected] to discuss.

Do you offer farm incentive programs?

Yes.  For barns buying in bulk please email us at [email protected] to discuss eligibility and incentive structure.

Where do you ship from?

All orders ship from our warehouse in Wellington, FL.


Do you have sales or promo codes?

No. We do not have sales or promo codes because we offer the highest quality product at the lowest possible price year round.

Do you have sample sizes of the supplements?

No.  The reason we do not have sample sizes is because the average time frame for seeing an improvement is generally 2-3 weeks so for people wanting to sample the products we suggest starting with the 30 day supply.

We struggled to get this horse's feet to grow any sole despite trying several different avenues.

"After less than six months on Crackdown the horse's sole depth doubled and hoof quality was substantially improved. This was significantly more growth than the horse experienced during the prior year. Crackdown is a staple product that I recommend to clients for overall hoof health as well as in specific cases where a horse has difficulty growing sole and hoof wall."

Dr. Leah Patipa, DVM

Paddock Equine Veterinary Services
Shortly after starting Crackdown we noticed a substantial improvement in the integrity of their hooves.

"Because our horses show a lot, some of them would develop compromised feet with shelling or cracking. Shortly after starting Crackdown we noticed a substantial improvement in the integrity of their hooves. Even our farriers noticed the improvement in the quality and rate of hoof growth. The horses love the palatability of the product and there is never any left in the feed bucket. We are so excited to be able to use this all-natural product on our horses."

Danny Robertshaw and Ron Danta

Danny and Ron's Rescue
Horses on Crackdown grow hoof like I’ve never seen before.

"Horses on Crackdown grow hoof like I’ve never seen before. I work on difficult cases with metabolic and pre-metabolic horses, and I’m always careful about what I recommend feeding them. What I like most about Crackdown is that it’s a supplement that really works and it’s safe to feed to horses who have to be on a low sugar and starch diet. I like being able to recommend a hoof supplement that I really believe helps horses."

James Gilchrist

Official Olympic and World Equestrian Games Farrier
We tried Crackdown, and after the second shoeing my blacksmith said he couldn't believe that my horse's hoof quality had improved 100%.

"My horse's hoof quality was compromised after being very sick. We tried Crackdown, and after the second shoeing my blacksmith said he couldn't believe that my horse's hoof quality had improved 100%. I've tried other hoof products on my horse in the past, but never with the results that I saw from Crackdown. It says a lot when your blacksmith, who only sees your horse once a month, notices such a dramatic improvement. Everybody should maintain their horse on Crackdown."

Rachel Kennedy

Top Hunter/Jumper Rider and Trainer
One of our horses was constantly losing shoes and couldn't make it through a full shoeing cycle.

"His shoes were always loose and the nail holes wouldn't grow out. After we started using Crackdown his feet grew so well within the first month that our farriers asked what we did differently. They were so impressed! Not only can the horse make it through an entire shoeing cycle now, but the Crackdown also makes his coat super shiny. "

Sandra Dalman

Top Rider and Trainer, Dalman Show Jumping
Within one shoeing cycle my farrier commented that the horses' hooves were stronger and dryer.

"I've had a few horses where the quality of their feet hasn't been good. They had poor circulation, soft or wet feet, or dry and brittle feet. I used several other hoof supplements in the past, but not until we started Crackdown did my farrier notice such a positive improvement. Within one shoeing cycle my farrier commented that the horses' hooves were stronger and dryer. I am a big fan of Crackdown."

Kimberly Prince

Top Grand Prix Rider and Trainer
Since we started the Crackdown his white feet have gotten stronger and his black feet are no longer chipping.

"I use Crackdown for horses that have soft or brittle feet. One horse had two white hind feet that were a little soft and his shoes would start to slip. His two front feet were black and would start to chip and crack. Since we started the Crackdown his white feet have gotten stronger and his black feet are no longer chipping. Our farriers have been very impressed by the improvement in the quality of our horses' hooves since starting the Crackdown."

Jacob Pope

Top Hunter/Jumper Rider and Trainer
Since starting the Crackdown we have not had any issues with crumbling nor have we had any reoccurring quarter cracks.

"One of my horses has nicely shaped feet, but they are always crumbling and falling apart. I have another horse who struggled with quarter cracks. Since starting the Crackdown we have not had any issues with crumbling nor have we had any reoccurring quarter cracks. My horses' feet look brand new and I am amazed with the improvement in my horses' hoof condition. My farrier even said that he notices an improvement with every shoeing cycle."

Schuyler Riley

Grand Prix Show Jumper, Wolfstone Stables
I had no idea a hoof could grow that quickly.

"We had a horse with a serious quarter crack that healed from the inside out in less than a week. If I didn't see it for myself, I would not have believed it. I had no idea a hoof could grow that quickly. Even our blacksmith asked what we did that resulted in closing up such a major quarter crack in 3-4 days."

Susan Tuccinardi

Top Hunter/Jumper/Equitation Trainer
Crackdown saved my Grand Prix horse who struggled with brittle hoof walls.

"Crackdown saved my Grand Prix horse who struggled with brittle hoof walls. Now I keep my entire barn on it!"

Alexis Taylor

Professional Rider and Trainer