

Product Announcements


Q & HAY - Immunox

We hear amazing stories from our clients about things like "persistent skin issues that finally cleared up", "horses that never come out of their stalls stiff anymore," and "a horse finally building muscle".


Which types of products can this replace?

Immunox can replace Vitamin E and selenium supplements as well as products given post workout or competition because the broad spectrum antioxidants and anti-inflammatories provide your horse with the necessary support on a daily basis. Not only is Immunox high in Vitamin E, a common supplement for horses, but it’s high in Vitamins A and C as well as polyphenols. Together this broad spectrum supplement is all you need to boost and protect your horse’s immune system, muscle recovery and strength.


Which skin issues does it help?

There are so many, but these are a few of the most common: hives, bumps, fungus, general skin funk, scratches, summer sores, and more.


Does it help muscle recovery and strength?

Yes! Immunox is high in vitamins E, A and C as well as anti-inflammatories. They are designed to keep muscles supple and fresh when in hard work and training. Unlike other products containing synthetic Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol), Immunox contains only natural Vitamin E, (d-alpha tocopheryl), which is the most bioavailable and readily absorbed by your horse.


How long will it take to see a change?

All horses are unique and respond differently, but the average time frame is 1-2 weeks.


Show safe?

Yes! All of our products are lab tested and horse show safe.


What are the most common external stressors that compromise your horse's immune system?

Some of the most common external stressors include traveling to different locations, introduction to new allergens, changes in diet or routine, introduction to new and potentially ill horses, training, competition, and for some horses even visits with the vet or farrier.


Can I use Immunox with Ulceraser?

Yes! All of our products are designed to be safely used together. Immunox and Ulceraser work particularly well together because when it comes to good gut health and a strong immune system, you can't have one without the other. There is a very strong correlation between gut health and a healthy immune system because approximately 80% of immune system cells are located in the gut. Ensure that your horse has the gut support they need in order to boost immunity.


Learn more about Immunox here.