Georgina Bloomberg Clinches Win in The Bainbridge Companies 1.40m CSI5*
Congratulations to Georgina Bloomberg and Balotelli 5 on their win in The Bainbridge Companies 1.40m CSI5* at WEF!
Georgina, an acclaimed intarnation show jumper recently began using Equine Elixirs products in her program, and has found great results with Ulceraser. "I have had my horses on Ulceraser for a few months now and have noticed a great improvement in their performance and behavior,” Bloomberg says. “With the stress of our heavy show schedule and travel, making sure our horses are healthy from the inside out is of the utmost importance.
When a horse has any issues on the inside, it will not only show on the outside, but will affect his performance in the ring. Ulceraser has helped make sure that our horses are at their very best comfort and health wise and can therefore be at their best performance wise.
Read more about how Ulceraser helps her horses have the winning edge.
Photo: Georgina Bloomberg & Balotelli 5. Photo by Jump Media.
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