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From $28.00

To $2,099.00

Pre-measured, daily dosed custom blends. Learn more

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    30 days
    60 days
    120 days
    Gastric Support
    Nervous System Support
    Immunity & Antioxidant Support
    Equine Muscle Support
    Joint Support
    Hoof Support
    Equine Bone Support

    Price: $28.00

    Pre-Measured, Daily Dosed Custom Blends 

    Equine Elixirs Mixers allow you to customize your horse's daily dosed supplements. Mixers simplifies the feeding process and ensures your horse gets the exact dose of each product at every meal. You can safely combine the entire line of Equine Elixirs products, which are show safe, and manufactured in our equine only facility.

    Which products can I put in my Mixer?
    Choose from any and all of our “dry” supplements, which includes: Ulceraser, Calmakazi, Immunox, Hulk, Electrofresh, Arthroscope, Symbiotic, Crackdown and Pro Bono. If you need a "double dose" of any particular product, you can select that option also.

    Which products are safe to combine without redundancy or toxicity?
    All combinations of Equine Elixirs products are safe to combine. Our entire line of supplements is designed to be used together safely and effectively. 

    Do the Mixers include AM and PM doses?
    Yes! So, for example, if you order the 30 day supply size you will receive 60 individual bags. While they are designed to be administered twice a day (1AM/1PM) you can give both bags at once your barn feeds once per day. 

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    Why the long face? We have answers to your questions right here.


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    Which products can I put in my Mixer?

    Choose from any and all of our "dry" supplements.  All combinations of Equine Elixirs products are safe to use together.  And, if you need a "double dose" of any particular product, you can select that option also.


    How do I make changes to my Mixer before it ships?

    Three days prior to your scheduled Autoship, you'll receive an email reminding you of the details of your order in case you'd like to make any changes. Log into your account and navigate to Account > My Subscriptions > Edit Mixer. From there, you can adjust product sizes, skip a delivery, pause, or cancel your Autoship. You can also update your billing, shipping, and payment information directly through your account.

    What is the cancellation policy?

    Our Autoship service is designed with maximum flexibility in mind, featuring a zero-commitment, cancel-anytime policy. You can customize your delivery frequency or select from the most common options, and pause or cancel whenever you need. If you’d like to add or remove products from your upcoming delivery, simply log into your account or contact us for support at 561-818-4222 or [email protected]


    Can I include an aloe vera or sea buckthorn booster with my Mixers?

    At this time the aloe vera and sea buckthorn gut boosters are only sold separately and would need to be fed using the enclosed micro spoon. 


    What are the supply size and autoship options?

    Customize your order with supply sizes available for 30, 60, or 90 days, and the autoship frequency that ensures you never run out--every 28, 55, or 85 days.


    How do Mixers work if the product serving size is only 1 scoop per day?

    For any product whose serving size is 1 scoop per day, the total daily serving is divided equally between the AM/PM bags so that each bag contains ½ scoop and the total daily portion remains 1 scoop. 


    Are the Mixers designed to be fed 1 or 2 bags per day?

    Mixers are designed so that the total daily dose for each product is divided equally among AM/PM bags for a total of two bags daily. If your barn only feeds supplements once per day then you can feed two bags at once and administer the AM/PM servings together. 


    Do the Mixers include AM and PM doses?

    Yes! So, for example, if you order the 30 day supply size you will receive 60 individual bags. While they are designed to be administered twice a day (1AM/1PM) you can give both bags at once your barn feeds once per day. 


    What if my barn only feeds supplements once per day?

    No problem at all! Just give both bags in that one feeding. 


    Do you offer farm incentive programs?

    Yes.  For barns buying in bulk please email us at [email protected] to discuss eligibility and incentive structure.

    Where do you ship from?

    All orders ship from our warehouse in Wellington, FL.


    Do you have sales or promo codes?

    No. We do not have sales or promo codes because we offer the highest quality product at the lowest possible price year round.

    Do you have sample sizes of the supplements?

    No.  The reason we do not have sample sizes is because the average time frame for seeing an improvement is generally 2-3 weeks so for people wanting to sample the products we suggest starting with the 30 day supply.

    Within just a few weeks of starting my horses on Hulk I noticed a significant improvement in their muscle tone.

    "Within just a few weeks of starting my horses on Hulk I noticed a significant improvement in their muscle tone. Hulk has also been helpful in post workout recovery especially during competitions."

    Anna Buffini

    USA Dressage Team Rider
    The horses receiving Ulceraser are in a very good state of mind.  Their conditioning, coats, and their overall look and performance is certainly at its peak.

    "We’re very happy with the condition of the horses who use Ulceraser, as well as the fact that the product is FEI- and USEF-safe. Using Ulceraser with our top horses, we see that they are in a very good state of mind. Their condition, their coats, and their overall look certainly is at its peak. We feel that Ulceraser has been a great help to their general conditioning."

    Mclain Ward

    U.S. Olympic and World Equestrian Games Gold Medalist
    We struggled to get this horse's feet to grow any sole despite trying several different avenues.

    "After less than six months on Crackdown the horse's sole depth doubled and hoof quality was substantially improved. This was significantly more growth than the horse experienced during the prior year. Crackdown is a staple product that I recommend to clients for overall hoof health as well as in specific cases where a horse has difficulty growing sole and hoof wall."

    Dr. Leah Patipa, DVM

    Paddock Equine Veterinary Services
    In the past we used bone supplements that were primarily calcium and phosphorus based.

    "In the past we used bone supplements that were primarily calcium and phosphorus based. Now we recommend Pro Bono because it also has Vitamin K, Vitamin D and collagen, which makes it a more complete product for sustaining bone health and growth."

    Dr. Leah Patipa, DVM

    Paddock Equine Veterinary Services
    I love Arthroscope because my horses are in a heavy competition and I know that their joints, ligaments and tendons are getting the support they need.

    "I love Arthroscope because my horses are in a heavy competition and I know that their joints, ligaments and tendons are getting the support they need. As with all Equine Elixirs products, knowing that the products are FEI safe gives me peace of mind when I compete in high stakes FEI classes. "

    Anna Buffini

    USA Dressage Team Rider
    All of our horses use Electrofresh.

    "When it's hot and humid, and our horses are competing week after week, they are sweating and losing the electrolytes they need. Just as I am focused on hydrating and replenishing myself, it is important to maintain the horses' systems and make sure we are replenishing what they need so they can perform at the highest levels."

    Georgina Bloomberg

    Top Grand Prix Rider
    I chose both the Ulceraser and Immunox to help with my horses’ digestive systems.

    "I chose both the Ulceraser and Immunox to help with my horses’ digestive systems. Since starting them on it, I’ve noticed a huge difference in their stomachs and the way they look. Since their stomachs are happy, their coats and outside appearance has been much improved! I also chose the Electrofresh to help hydrate daily, since they are at the top of the sport. "

    Grace Debney

    Top International Grand Prix Show Jumper
    I even keep my horses on Electrofresh in the middle of the winter to make sure they are always drinking.

    "I never realized that the main ingredient in most electrolytes was sugar. I have a horse with PSSM and she cannot have any of those electrolytes. I love that Electrofresh doesn't have any added sugar and that it is safe for her to eat. "

    BJ Ehrhardt

    Top Rider and Trainer
    I am so proud to share these photos, and the improvements I’ve seen in my horse!

    "I am writing to express how much I love the hulk supplement! It has been such a huge help for my horse to gain muscle over the past three months. I am so proud to share these photos, and the improvements I’ve seen in my horse! "

    Equine Elixirs Customer

    My 22 year old former Grand Prix jumper struggled to maintain weight for many years.

    "My 22 year old former Grand Prix jumper struggled to maintain weight for many years. Now with the addition of Symbiotic, which allows him to better absorb nutrients from his diet, he is maintaining his weight even in the summer heat. I have been able to cut back on the total volume of feed he needs with his more efficient digestion."

    Taylor Blackman

    Owner and Trainer Gold Crown Jumpers
    One of the things we like about Calmakazi is that the horses don’t need as much work or preparation to show.

    "The Calmakazi has really helped our horses relax and stay calm. One of the things we like about it is that the horses don’t need as much work or preparation to show. We had a spooky, nervous horse that would swap off in the ring and stutter in front of the jumps. After one or two weeks on Calmakazi that behavior went away."

    Geoffrey Hesslink

    Top Rider and Trainer, Hesslink Williams
    Immunox has helped us deal successfully with muscle soreness, dehydration, skin issues and allergies that really affect the horses.

    "Our experience with Immunox has been extremely beneficial. When we deal with extreme heat and humidity, we have a lot of muscle soreness and dehydration. In a tropical climate there are skin issues, allergies, fungus, and bugs in the soil that really affect the horses. Immunox has helped us deal successfully with all these problems."

    Mclain Ward

    U.S. Olympic and World Equestrian Games Gold Medalist